February 17, 2016 marks my 1st “no-appendix” anniversary! February 17, 2015 is one of the memorable days of my life because it was my 1st time to be confined in the hospital and it was not in my home country but overseas. It was also my 1st time to undergone surgery – laparoscopic appendectomy – whatta term!

I went overseas on February 12, 2015 for work. It was my 1st time to be out of the country for long term to work and also to help our church there.
February 15 when I felt pain in my lower right abdomen. I thought it was just a stomach pain and took antacid but the pain didn’t subside, hence, I decided to consult a doctor on the 17th. I even walked going to the clinic – which is around 10 minutes.
The doctor’s findings was suspected appendicitis and gave me recommendation to go to the hospital. I thought not that serious and I even went back to work and ate my lunch until I decided to go to the hospital.
In the hospital, I went to the emergency section alone, consulted a specialist, referred me for ultrasound and confirmed – acute appendicitis! The doctor mentioned that I need to undergo surgery asap. I was shocked and could not believe it.
I admit that I worried that time. I was in this nation for just 5 days, my work permit was still being processed by then and didn’t even have a health insurance card with me. I didn’t know if my company will going to shoulder it. I asked the doctor if I can go back to my home country first (because I am sure I am covered by our health insurance there) or even move to a cheaper hospital but it was dangerous as the appendix may burst anytime.
I didn’t know what to do that time. I called a friend and burst out my emotions. Facing this difficult situation in which you don’t have your love ones with you is very difficult.I asked God:
Lord, you promised me that you will provide everything that I need. That you will bless me for me to be a blessing to this nation. But why I’m facing this situation now, I am away from my family, I don’t have yet someone to lean on. I don’t even have my salary yet. Yet, I will trust in Your word, Lord, You are my provider.
I called my company to inform of my situation and they are also shocked by this news. Our expat team said that they will going to check with the benefits team if I am already covered by insurance.
I was about to give my credit card to the cashier – I am ready to pay for it as life is more important than money. Thank God, the personnel mentioned that the insurance company already provided the guarantee letter and they will cover all the expenses. I could not express the feelings that I had that time. Indeed, God is faithful!
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. – Hebrews 10:23
Thanks to my colleague who accompanied me after her working hours. That night of February 17, I was scheduled for surgery. I felt my heart beating fast, I was very nervous. The operating room is too cold, I was shaking. The staff started to inject anesthesia – I could not feel my body, my vision blurred until I fell asleep.
I woke up and the surgery was completed. The staff moved me to my room. It was done. Thank, God, for a successful operation. Thanks also for my doctor and the staff who assisted.
I stayed another 4 days in the hospital. During my stay, most of the time no one watched over me. Actually, I didn’t self-pity that time because this was my special moment with God who never leaves me, who is always there for me. I realized that God has a purpose and all things are working together to my own good.
Here are some things that I learned and experienced:
1. Full reliance to God
It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. – Deuteronomy 31:8
2. God’s faithfulness
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. – Hebrews 10:23
3. God is in control.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28
Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me? – Jeremiah 32:27
4. God refreshed, strengthened me and empowered me during my stay in the hospital.
I can say that I have no regrets that these things happened to me because these made me stronger and experienced more of God’s works in my life.
Happy 1st “no-appendix” anniversary to me!
*Bible verses quoted from ESV